
On these pages we publish guides on photography, and hope you find the hints and tips both useful and helpful

Advice on Preparing Photographs for Club Competitions

The following notes should help members submit entries for the monthly competition nights in a uniform manner. 

The requirements are as follows. 




Images should be resized to have no more than 1600 pixels horizontally and 1200 pixels vertically (this is the pixel size of the Club’s digital projector). 


Images may have smaller dimensions than this (e.g., portrait format images, ‘letterbox’ images), but, if so, they will be projected without filling the screen.


Images must be in a .jpg format.


Images should be saved with a quality setting which does justice to the image but does not make the file size so large as to be inconvenient for emailing.  Most images at 1600 x 1200 pixels will be OK at around 1mb.


Images should be saved in the sRGB colour space.


Each image should be given a file name which is the same as the title of the image. 

The image naming format is important and should be as the following example:

pdi-author’s name-image title.jpg 

example: (pdi-Joe Bloggs-Frosty Morning.jpg)


When prepared, images for an internal competition should be emailed as an attachment and not in the body of the text to:  


You should receive an auto reply to confirm your image has been received.


Please put the word ‘competition’ in the email subject line.


The deadline for receiving images is midnight on the Sunday 11 days before the competition evening. 

Competition dates are shown on the Syllabus page of this website


For a print competition, the image can be of any size as long as it is within the constraints of the mount size which is 500mm x 400mm.                                   

Please note this is not 20” x 16”.                                                                                                                

No tape of any description should be on the back of the mounts. The maximum mount thickness must not exceed 4 mm and backing boards should be of a similar size to the front mount.

Each print must display on the back and to the top right-hand corner of the mount the authors name and title of the print.

Prints can be brought to the club on competition night or given to another member to bring in if the author is unable to attend the competition.


Please send an email to:  before the midnight deadline on the Sunday night 11 days before the competition evening with the details using the format: print-author’s name-print title (for example: print-Joe Bloggs-Misty Morning.)


Please put the word ‘competition’ in the email subject line.

The deadline for receiving print titles is midnight on the Sunday 11 days before the competition evening

Competition dates are shown on the Syllabus page of this website.



Happy submitting, and good luck in the competitions.